Good Steward Awards
Since 2008, annual Good Steward Awards have been sponsored by the Stewardship Network of the San Juans to honor individuals, both youth and adults, and businesses that have demonstrated through their actions, exemplary stewardship ethics. Each winner is presented with a “Finnie” award—a glazed ceramic salmon.
The large pottery “Finnie,” a salmon-shaped creation, was handcrafted by Michael Rivkin and Jeffri Coleman, who owned and operated Crow Valley Pottery for over 30 years. With the closing of Crow Valley Pottery, a number of local artists have continued the tradition including; MaryJane Elgin, Amara Zee and Maria Michaelson.
Beginning in 2024, Bill (Tsul-ton) Bailey was commissioned by the Coast Salish Youth Coalition to utilize one of his Coast Salish salmon designs for the annual Finnie awards. His salmon design was burned onto cedar wood planks by the students at Friday Harbor High School. Tsul-ton is a respected elder, spiritual worker and medicine man who designed the Samish Indian Nation logo and founded the Samish Beaver Lodge where he resided as lead carver and artist for many years. The Finnie depicts a fertile salmon representing abundance when we are guided with reverence for our plant and animal relatives and live in reciprocity with our natural world which ensures the health and well-being for our future generations.
Good Steward Award Nomination Form
We encourage nominations of individuals and businesses who, by their extraordinary contributions and activities, have made a significant impact on the stewardship of the San Juan Island archipelago. Categories include: Individual, Business, Youth, and Lifetime Achievement